Friday, July 19, 2013

Caroline's Garden

Today I visited my cousin Caroline's house, and she taught me all about her plants and gardens!
I had a great time. Here are some of the photos I took:

This is Caroline Abbott, a super outdoorsy girl just like me!

Her grandma made her these cement stones. Aren't they nice?

She has these amazing little plants that grow on rocks. They're really neat.

Just look at this gorgeous snapdragon! It's almost as tall as Caroline herself!

Caroline has some very fragrant lavender too, but the summer has been really hot here,
so they're beginning to dry out.

One of my favorite plants Caroline grows is peppermint! It's great to chew on after you eat;
it makes your breath smell really fresh!

Check out these unique little blossoms!

 Ooh, and you can't have a garden without basil! (It smells so good!)

This is Caroline's tomato plant. 

These ones are nearly ready for picking!

Hydrangeas are in full bloom! (Very elegant.)

 I'm not sure what kind of flowers these are, but I love their color!

 Caroline is also an expert with marigolds.

 And this is Caroline's favorite hideout: her climbing tree!

 It's almost as cool as this birch tree with its incredibly paper-like bark!
Caroline says not to peel it though, it can hurt the tree.
(It just looks soo fun!)

 Caroline had raspberries, but the rabbits have pretty much eaten them off this year.
(But hey, at least the bunnies got a treat!)

And this is Caroline's beautiful willow tree! My favorite, since my name is Willow,
and my blog is called Willow's Tree!! Hahaha!

Caroline's mother planted these fresh herbs a while ago, but Caroline helps tend them often.

Here is Caroline with some more of her marigolds!


This has been like the longest blog post ever, but I hope you enjoyed it!
 (I hope this inspires you to plant your own garden!)

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